When looking at the tactics for branding ourself on an exchange, they ask the following (and I quote them)

dominance tactics such as the following:
• Forum posting and relationship building with key owners
• Account management across multiple traffic exchanges
• Tracking and testing of pages/sales/signups
• And, clicking, clicking, clicking, clicking and clicking some more
Secondly they usefully identify the vast majority of traffic exchange surfers, putting them into five categories:
• People interested in how to get traffic to their website
• People interested in how to build their list of opt in subscribers
• People interested in home business opportunities
• People interested in webmaster/website related services
• People who are complete online newbies who are looking for a guiding light.
On that basis and before I continue, I have one all important question you have to ask yourself. Are any of the five groups the target traffic you are looking for?
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