Returning to a previous post on the strange phenomenon on the snake that eats it tail ~ traffic-exchanges-explained

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Returning to a previous post on the strange phenomenon on the snake that eats it tail

In an
earlier post this month
I looked at the issue which really is not in favour of traffic exchanges - over 90% of the pages you surf are splash pages for other traffic exchanges. Why?

The answer is a simple one. Most serious sufers of TE's have one goal in mind - to get free advertising. If using the splash pages of other TE sites I can get surfers to subscribe to another exchange, I get a percentage of the credits they earn by surfing. Do this long enough for enough exchanges and you have referred 10 surfers to each you are well on your way to having an automated advertising campaign of your website. Simple as that. Every traffic exchange I know offers its splash pages so you attract customers for them.

Hence my analogy of the snake that eats it tail. Surfing traffic exchanges to get others to surf traffic exchanges in order to get free exposure. That is the bottom line.

In my next post, I will examine some of the spin-offs of joining traffic exchanges. Good and bad!


Alexander said...

Lol read your blog and It's pretty cool let me say. Came through blogclicker. We do need a lil bit of traffic before we kick in' into search engine listings. Maybe u should add a subscribe option to permanently capture traffic from these exchanges, good luck!

Normal Alex said...

Ok second time that I pass trough this site. Sorry if I wasted u a credit lol but have no controll!

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